Embargos & Agreements
Countries may sign an agreement with other countries and this will not be announced to players. Also, countries may issue embargoes on another country. These events may change the produced goods prices temporarily.
Countries can embargo other countries if the relation between them is less than 0. An embargo will cause instant burn for the related product. A country should choose only one good to the embargo. Also, the affected country's consumption rate will reduce by the embargo rate. Embargo rate and burn rate are hidden values that affect burn amount and consumption rate. The affected county's cities' stock burn amounts are calculated with the following formula: good amount = good amount - (good amount * burn rate)
Passive incomes in these cities will decrease whenever an embargo is applied to the country.
Countries may sign agreements with other countries if the relationship between them is more than 50. Agreements will increase the production of both countries. When two countries sign an agreement, it will be announced in the newspaper. Agreement rate and trade rate are hidden values that affect traded good amount and production rate. While the agreement sender country increases the production rate on the agreed good, the recipient country will reduce the production and split the production power to other goods. While Traded good amounts are calculated with the following formula: good amount = good amount + (good amount * trade rate)
The agreement rate changes the trading volume in the cities for both agreed countries. In all cities, trading volume will be increased when the countries make an agreement. Therefore, passive incomes in these cities will increase.
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