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Each player needs a ship to play the game. Players can sell and buy ships from the marketplace. Each ship has different crew members, speed, and, capacity levels. Users are not able to buy/carry more than the capacity of the used ship.
Speed attribute affects user movement speed directly. The speed attribute range is between 1 and 200. 200 is the maximum speed on the game.
Ships can have multiple crew members built-in and these members will give a chance to use different abilities. Each ability has its own cooldown and area values. All members and abilities are listed below;
Scans the weather
Drone Pilot
Scans the area for pirates
Scans for earthquake
Scuba Diver
Scans a treasury
New abilities and instant events will be added to the game in time.
Ship abilities have a cooldown and area. When a player uses an ability, the ability will be unavailable until the cooldown ends. The player can use multiple abilities at the same time.
Area defines the scanning area of the ability. If the area value is higher, the scanning area will be bigger. This will increase the chance of finding an instant event.
Every ability will scan the area for the upcoming 4 hours. If there are multiple events overlapping with the scanning area, the player will see the date and affected cities for each instant event.
Players are able to switch auto-trading mode anytime in the game. When a player enables auto-trading mode, the ship will be used by the AI and the player will start earning passive income. There is a different WISL pool for the idle gameplay. In the idle game, the WISL pool will be distributed depending on instant events and agents. Formulas for the idle game are listed below;
Scuba Diver
Drone Pilot
AC = Ability count (if you have multiple ships and you have the same abilities in your ships)
STG = Your total ships' storage level.
SS = ship speed
AS = agent speed
AN = agent network
If the player has no agents or agents are not in cities, the player can not get passive income from the idle gameplay.
The score is calculated for every ship in the game. After finding the total score, dividing the single ship score by the total score will give the percentage of passive income from the particular instant event. Each instant event will distribute 208.3 WISL to the players. As an example scenario: There is a storm in City X. If the player holds an agent and the player has storm ability in used ships, the player will be able to get passive income from that event. Let's say the total score in that city is 1000 and the user has 50 scores. This means the user will get 5% of the storm WISL income, which means 10.415 WISL. This amount will be distributed equally in 8 hours.
In auto-trading mode, passive incomes are calculated for the upcoming 8 hours. For example, in our scenario, if there are multiple storms during the next 8 hours, all of them will be distributed in 8 hours.
When the player uses multiple ships in the game, all the ships' attributes will be merged and the player can use the sum of the storage of all ships. The player can use the same ability multiple times if there are multiple ships with the same attributes. Each ability cooldown will be calculated separately. The slowest ship will decide the fleet speed. Important Note: Players can choose the ships while entering the game. But if the players fill the storage, logs out, and remove the ship from the fleet, the player will not be able to join the game since there won't be enough space to move. The player should have more storage than the goods he/she has to enter the game.